It has been a while since my last post and so much has happened, so much I don't think a blog could hold it all. To make life simple for us all I'll give everyone the abridged edition of this saga.
We found out that Emmert and Mariah were removed from the orphanage in late July for unknown reasons. Recently we found out that we lost Mariah's referral but we are still fighting to adopt Emmert despite this set-back.
We accepted a referral last week for a litle girl that was all ready to go home with her adoptive family in October, but when the family's situation changed abruptly, she was left at AOH. We have been in contact with this family and have a complete peace that we lost Mariah to gain little Tina. Because Tina has all her paperwork done we will be going to Liberia in 2 weeks to bring her home. This is a whirlwind time for us as all this happened so quickly, but we have a peace that passes all understanding that this is God's will and he will take care of everything.
Hope to have more updates soon.